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Special Education Services


Students diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder may exhibit a wide range of skills and abilities.  In order to meet each child's unique communication, social interaction, sensory, academic and behavior needs, Ringgold School District's team of professionals work together to employ various techniques and methodologies in helping each child reach his or her fullest potential.  These services include support for children within a regular education setting and autistic support classrooms.


Some student may require support to assist them in coping with and overcoming emotional difficulties, which interfere with their general ability to participate in school.  Our Emotional Support Program emphasizes critical pro-social skills such as conflict resolution, anger management, and the development of positive decision-making strategies within an emotionally supportive environment.  With the support of our emotional support teachers and school social worker, students are provided intervention in the context of groups or 1:1 sessions dependent on the specific needs.


Ringgold School District provides Learning Support Services for students who demonstrate disabilities that interfere with progress in reading, writing, and mathematics.  Accommodations and modifications may be provided for these students in the general education classrooms.  Students in need of more intensive instruction in these academic areas may receive additional support through this program.


Ringgold School District provides Life Skills support which has specially designed instruction for students in need of functional academics, self-care, social skills, language development, communication, and perceptual motor skills.

Students who participate in our Life Skills classrooms are offered community-based instruction as well as vocational training experiences.  These students ar eincluded in the least restrictive environment to the fullest extent appropriate.


Services are provded in the area of speech and language when students exhibit difficulty in the area of articulation, language, fluency and/or voice.  Evaluations are conducted when a student's communication appears to have an impact on his/her progress in the general education curriculum.  Speech services include direct individual or small group therapy.


When a child's physical, sensory, or cognitive disability interferes with his/her ability to participate fully in school and social situations, the Ringgold School District may work closely with occupational therapists and families to develop a customized intervention plan that will improve the child's ability to perform daily activities.  Where appropriate, this team will also work with educators to adapt the environment and/or specific tasks to make it more accessible for the child.


Student identified with a hearing impairment that adversely affects the student's educational performance may qualify for Hearing Support Services.  These services are provided on-site by staff contracted through the Intermediate Unit I.


Students identified with a vision impairment that adversely affects the student's educational performance may qualify for Vision Support Services.  These services are provided on-site by staff contracted throught the Intermediate Unit I.